Life Lessons

What it really means to Love Yourself

Self Love is important and even more important is to understand how to Love the Self.

Kartik Prajapati


I could finally understand the idea of treating ourselves with love and respect as said by Jay Shetty. We always want someone in our life who could just listen to us with no judgement, can encourage us for all that good we have and we do, and guide us through our way with love.

And we ourselves do the contrary, we just keep saying bad things in our head. I mean real bad things. What to speak of saying those things to our loved ones, we would never even think of saying that. And we don’t even realise this and we think, to be self critical is completely ok.

No, it’s actually not because I look back and can’t remember a time when I was doing good and was critical of myself at the same time. Instead, it was just the opposite, I was thinking of myself good enough to do all that good things that I was doing at that time.

It’s just that we tend to look outside and start comparing with others and the problem begins, we begin to self doubt, we start thinking that they are good and we are not good enough. When the key is we just need not feel that way, because their progress is theirs’ and your progress is completely yours.

Surround yourself with good friends who encourage you, keep from those who doubt themselves and others too. Feel good for what you have, and keep challenging yourself to keep up your growth. Let’s just be that guy for sometime, to only highlight the good, even if it’s really small, let’s just celebrate it and use that as encouragement to do even better.

